Take a look back at some of the most impactful inventions in the last 100 years. There’s the television, the Internet, and the desktop computer as we know it today. These technologies, among many others, have greatly revolutionized the way we see and interact with the world. But something is looming in the near future […] More
This article, 7 ways how 5G technology will shape our future, was originally published at NoypiGeeks | Philippines Technology News, Reviews and How to's.
Take a look back at some of the most impactful inventions in the last 100 years. There’s the television, the Internet, and the desktop computer as we know it today. These technologies, among many others, have greatly revolutionized the way we see and interact with the world. But something is looming in the near future that is expected to bring about a new tech revolution: 5G technology.
5G connectivity has been the buzzword in the tech community for a while now, but its potential to improve all of our existing systems is still underappreciated by many. Let’s look at what 5G really is and what it brings to the table, and 7 of the ways that it can drastically change the world for the better.
What is 5G technology?
In simple terms, 5G is a new generation of mobile network that is designed to provide connectivity that is much faster, more reliable, and more unified than ever before. This new wireless technology is expected to deliver ultra-high speeds with low latency, carry tremendous capacity, and become more available everywhere – everything that we have been asking for from our current network.
While 4G (or LTE) already increased the connectivity of the world by ushering in the mobile broadband, 5G will take that connectivity to a much higher level. Aside from enhancing the mobile broadband experience, 5G wireless technology is geared towards connecting everyone and everything, including machines, devices, and everyday objects.
Almost all industries will be affected by the release of 5G technology, from agriculture and production to education and healthcare. Even the little aspects of your life, like the way you communicate with the people and things around you, will be reshaped by 5G connectivity. It will truly bring in a new era of convenience, connectivity, and productivity. The future that we’ve only previously seen in sci-fi movies is now slowly coming to reality.
Smarter homes and cities will be built, where everything is connected to each other in the Internet of Things.
Imagine that all your smart appliances at home are connected to one central network so they can work automatically and communicate with each other to deliver the best home experience. This so-called “Internet of Things” is not as seamless through the 4G network, but with 5G connectivity which has ultra-fast speeds and more massive capacity, this is easily attainable.
Your lights, AC, and other utilities can coordinate with each other so they can conserve energy when not needed, and you can use your device to access and control your appliances wherever you are in your space.
Now think about whole cities being revamped with an Internet of Things through 5G technology. With the whole area having high-speed internet, 5G can bring developments like smart traffic signals, which will ease the city’s roadway congestion by redirecting drivers to the fastest route, and real-time dashboards, where citizens can get citywide updates like when the garbage truck will arrive.
Driverless cars will be perfected and be more of a norm.
Speaking of smart cities, one highlight of the metro of the future are autonomous, self-driving cars. These cars are constantly aware of their surroundings and coordinate with everything like traffic lights and other vehicles on the road, so much that driverless cars may become safer than human-driven cars in the future.
There have already been different attempts to create self-driving cars, but the industry is severely limited by network constraints. These vehicles require fast vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications to ensure the accuracy and safety of the drive. All these communications involving large amounts of data must happen in real-time, something that will be made possible by 5G connectivity.
When driverless vehicles and automated communication become fully integrated into the scene, they can drastically change how public and private transportation is run in the city.
Enhanced mobile broadband means better gaming and better streaming.
Now to something that mobile consumers will surely appreciate. A more direct impact of 5G connectivity is a mobile network that is leaps and bounds better than the current 4G. 5G is significantly faster than 4G – delivering peak data rates of up to 20 Gbps! – and has lower latency to provide real-time instantaneous access.
This is great news for anyone using the internet, but especially for those playing online games and streaming video content where a fast, reliable network is essential for the best user experience. Delay and lag time is expected to go down to 1 millisecond, and higher and higher resolutions can be accommodated. 5G will usher in the era of immersive entertainment.
Augmented and virtual reality will be back in the spotlight, bigger and more advanced than ever.
Remember when virtual reality was all the rage a few years back? The hype for and the development of VR tech slowly died down because it required a more extensive network with low latency that wasn’t yet available during its initial development stages. With the advent of 5G technology, VR will surely come back to the limelight as a new medium of communication.
The possibilities are endless for virtual and augmented reality when it becomes fully developed. There are applications in entertainment, in education and learning platforms, in communications, and even in e-commerce.
Health care services will improve, especially virtual reality techniques.
In 2019, Huawei’s 5G network was used to perform the world’s first remote brain surgery. A Parkinson’s patient was operated on by a robot mechanism, controlled by a doctor 3,000 kilometers away.
This ultra-fast network experienced no video lags to ensure an almost real-time operation. Thinking that there are still a few more years to further develop 5G technology, we can only imagine the many other applications it can have to better our health care services.
High-risk industries like agriculture can become much smarter and more productive.
5G has the potential to shake up how every industry is being handled, but none more so than industries that are in need of a reliable, low-latency network for remote control of their infrastructures. Agriculture is one of those fields that can transform if it embraces 5G connectivity.
Wireless sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) technology can optimize different processes like water irrigation, livestock monitoring, and crop communication. The wide range of the 5G network can greatly help rural communities be more connected and productive.
Precision and efficiency are important in a high-risk industry like agriculture, and with 5G technology, smart farming leads to a significant increase in yield and production.
Manufacturing and other businesses will get supercharged.
Many data-driven industries like manufacturing, finance, and retail are all going to reap the benefits of a much faster, high-capacity network standard. 5G connectivity is poised to give these industries more power to accelerate their analytics and digitization. IoT technology will also optimize their operations which can help increase profits while reducing costs and production downtime.
There’s no question that 5G technology will come with a bang and impact every industry and every aspect of our everyday lives. It’s one big step for the world to reach the realities we’ve only seen before in sci-fi movies. But what is surprising is how close we already are in reaching that reality.
In the next few years, we can expect 5G technology to take us to a better, more connected future.
How do you think 5G technology will impact the world? Share your thoughts with us below.
This article, 7 ways how 5G technology will shape our future, was originally published at NoypiGeeks | Philippines Technology News, Reviews and How to's.
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